Dyslexia Intervention

Testifying before Texas Senate members on  Dyslexia Therapists.

Robin's training, as well as being the mother of a dyslexic son, makes her uniquely qualified to impart this information with professionalism, knowledge and compassion, recognizing the vital relationship between educators, parents and students.

1988 - Teacher of the Year as a Modern European History teacher at a Houston area High School.

1998 -  Relocates to Central Texas from Houston to raise her family.

2009 - Becomes aware that her son is a struggling reader and is identified as dyslexic. This fuels her need to "know more" and she begins her pursuit to educate herself on this language processing disability.

2010 - Enters Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children's Dyslexia Therapist training program for Take Flight, A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia in Austin Texas.

2013 - Completes the Take Flight training and crosses the stage as a Take Flight Dyslexia Therapist after completing the the mandatory 200 classroom hours, and 700 practicum hours.

2014 - Takes National Alliance Exam to become a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT) and becomes a member of  the Academic Language Therapist Association, or ALTA.

2015  - Completes Master Degree in Special  Education, Specializing in Dyslexia, from Midwestern State University, becomes a Licensed Dyslexia Therapist (LDT) in the State of Texas.

2015 - Asked to testify before the Texas House and Senate Health and Human Services Sunset Committee regarding the necessity and value of dyslexia therapist licensure to ensure maintaining the high standards required to become a Licensed Dyslexia Therapist set by the State of Texas.

2016 - Co-hosts a Dyslexia Forum at the Hill Country University Center with Courtney Hoffman, Dyslexia Public Policy Consultant from Austin, Texas and U.S. Congressman Lamar Smith, author of the bipartisan Research Excellence and Advancements for Dyslexia Act (READ Act).

 2016 - Appointed by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation to the position of Presiding Officer of the Dyslexia Therapists and Practitioner Advisory Board. Term Expires: 12/31/2021.

My search to obtain the highest quality treatment for my dyslexic son resulted in my desire to become certified in the ability to help him deal with dyslexia. This fueled my passion to help parents and educators who are going through the same issues to become equipped and informed.  My dyslexic students are recipients of the best therapy available. Dyslexia is a language processing issue. When dyslexic children are taught the way that they process, they learn. There is nothing like the look on a child's face when he or she "gets it"!

Texas' Dyslexia Handbook provides TEA guidelines for School Compliance with Current State Legislation.


Our Mission is to help those affected by dyslexia with early diagnosis and intervention and provide the most current and proven Dyslexia Therapy available.

 Intervention Story
Robin cowsar, M.Ed., CALT, LDT

Cowsar delivers Take Flight Curriculum, from Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.

Dyslexia Therapy, Education,  consulting & public policy support

Providing Dyslexia Therapy, Education and Consulting

School Support

Workshops and training for general education teachers on signs to look for, effective instruction, and suggestions for  classroom accommodations.  District consulting available.

Community Service

Parents and teachers always want to know how to best recognize and treat dyslexia.  Will speak to groups or provide counseling to help educate and equip others to advocate and deal with dyslexia.